How to Make Money on OnlyFans in 2023

How to Make Money on OnlyFans

Making money on OnlyFans is a popular way for creators to monetize their content and build a living from their photos and videos.

There are several different ways that you can make money on OnlyFans, including through paid subscriptions, paid posts, paid messages, live streaming, and tipping.

If you’re just starting out or already have an established OnlyFans account, here are some tested tips for how to make money on OnlyFans.

No matter how big or small your creator account is, you can make money on OnlyFans.

That’s because the OnlyFans platform is full of ways to make money from your skills and interests.

If you know how to use these features well, you’ll be ready to do well on OnlyFans.

OnlyFans is not a porn site.

OnlyFans is not a porn site.

There are a lot of people who make content who model without showing their bodies. There are also a lot of creators outside of the adult industry who work in a wide range of niches.

OnlyFans is popular with the adult industry because it doesn’t have any rules about content, which is very different from Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

But even though most of the content on OnlyFans is pornographic, there are a lot of other successful accounts run by creators who are making money in a wide range of other niches.

Some popular niches are:

  • Fitness Coaching / Exercise Guides
  • Tips on Modeling Fashion
  • Lifestyle / Travel Blogging
  • Cooking Shows
  • How-To Guides for Beauty and Makeup
  • Meditations and how-to guides for alternative health
  • Video Gaming Cosplaying Recipes / Cooking Tips
  • Funny Videos
  • Vlogs from influential people

How to Make Money on OnlyFans

#1. Paid Subscriptions

paid subscriptions

Paid memberships are by far the most popular method for authors to monetize their material on OnlyFans.

By opting for a premium membership, all of your OnlyFans material is placed behind a paywall.

Users who pay your monthly membership fee will be the only ones who can see your postings, articles, and broadcasts.

Paid subscriptions are advantageous to you as a content developer for the following reasons:

  • Instantaneously generate scarcity and interest in your material Increase the consistency and predictability of your profits
  • Create actual value for the creator from your hard effort.
  • Encourage and appreciate your subscribers’ and fans’ loyalty
  • Make content production very lucrative.

Obviously, you cannot expect to attract new subscribers to your OnlyFans account if your whole account is paywalled. This is when integrated promotional efforts and subscription packages come into play.

To put it simply, promotional campaigns let you offer discounts of 5% to 100% off your monthly subscription price to bring in new subscribers.

On the other hand, subscription bundles let you give loyal fans who want to pay for several months at once a 5% to 70% discount.

#2. Paid Posts

paid posts

You can still make money with a free OnlyFans account. In fact, many creators who don’t charge for subscriptions make just as much as those who do.

Putting some of your posts behind a paywall is one way to make money with a free account. Paid posts stand out right away in your feed because they are something special.

If your subscribers already like your free OnlyFans content, they might be willing to pay more to see what else you have to offer.

#3. Paid Messages

paid messages

Paid messages, also called PPV messages, are different from paid posts in that they can be sent by both free and paid subscription accounts. You can send direct messages to some or all of your fans, and they can pay to see different kinds of content.

PPV messages are especially powerful because they require you to talk to your fans directly. When done right, subscribers will feel like they’re getting a personal invitation to see your most exclusive content.

Creators who have free OnlyFans pages get an extra perk! You can set up your account so that people have to tip first before they can message you. So, you’ll only hear from fans who really care about you and what you do.

In general, messaging on OnlyFans is a powerful way to connect with your community in a deeper way. Many creators take the time to personally welcome new subscribers and send important news and offer to all of their fans in a group message.

#4. Live Streaming


One thing that only free accounts can do is charge people to watch your live streams. PPV streams, also called “Payment Gated Streams,” are like selling tickets to live events like concerts, classes, or fashion shows. Plus, you can charge as little as $5 per ticket!

Streaming gives fans a new way to enjoy their favorite artists. They give creators and fans a sense of being real, close, and part of a group. You can even go live with someone else so that you both make money.

#5. Tipping


Your fans can send you a tip if they want to show how much they like you. As long as you have at least five posts on your page, subscribers can tip directly to your profile, on your posts, in messages, during streams, and on your stories!

Many creators make a “tip menu” where they offer custom content or interaction in exchange for a certain amount of tips.

What is OnlyFans?

OnlyFans is the content subscription business that exploded after the lockdown. Despite what you may have heard, OnlyFans is not entirely about explicit stuff.

The service was created to provide followers with unique access to material from their favorite influencers. Celebrities such as Beyoncé and Cardi B have even shared their songs on the platform.‍

So it’s not all adult material. But a lot of it is. In fact, much of it is. And some individuals earn a lot of money creating this information.‍

Creating material for OnlyFans, like any other small company, is not a get-rich-quick plan. However, there are several ideas and tactics you may use to increase your following and, ultimately, start generating huge cash.‍

(If you’re disappointed because you need a fast place immediately, we’ll merely explain that Cleo will give you up to $100. Eligibility conditions apply.)‍

OnlyFans is very fastest growing website according to

How much money can you earn on OnlyFans?‍

According to an OnlyFans spokesman, over 100 producers have earned at least $1 million on the site.‍

Sex work is a respectable job (provided it is not exploitative), which should go without saying. Thousands of Americans utilize OnlyFans to supplement their income, and authors often earn $500 to $1,000+ every month. Smart, particularly given the current rate of inflation.

How much does OnlyFans charge?

They charge 20%, which is one of the finest rates available for an adult content site.‍

OnlyFans is popular among artists since it gives the author complete control. So, whether you want to publish sexual material, culinary instructional, or plain old-fashioned ASMR movies, you should know how to get the most out of the site.‍

Want to learn everything from how to set up an OnlyFans account to how to make money on the platform? Continue to scroll.‍

Is OnlyFans safe?

As an OnlyFans creator, you must establish limits that you are comfortable with, particularly if you want to upload explicit material. Let’s face it: not everyone is a sexy babe. Top creators such as Elexus Jionde and Lena the Plug have talked publicly about the hostility they encountered when they first began working on OnlyFans.

Fortunately, OnlyFans enables you to create restrictions in a secure manner.

You do not have to sell sexual material to earn money on the site. If you do want to make explicit material, there are lots of methods to do so anonymously if that’s your option.

And if you want to know how to earn money on OnlyFans without displaying your face, to keep things extra anonymous…keep reading.‍

How to Use OnlyFans Without Showing Your Face

Here are several options for remaining anonymous:

You may use a fictitious name.

You may simply generate material without revealing your face.

You may prevent particular areas (for example, your hometown) from seeing your material.

OnlyFans enables authors to complain if their work has been unlawfully removed from the app (to porn sites, for example)

Essentially, you select how you create money in a manner that is safe and feels appropriate for you. You specified the parameters. As Elexus Jionde advises, realize your value and add tax.

Practical Way to Make Money on OnlyFans

Let’s get down to business.

OnlyFans allows you to pick how often you want to get paid, from weekly to monthly.

Creating material for OnlyFans, like any other small company, is not a get-rich-quick plan. However, there are several ideas and tactics you may use to increase your following and, ultimately, start generating huge cash.

‍Make the most of your header to attract new visitors. It’s all part of developing a brand for your page. You’ll want to choose a picture that isn’t graphic but provides your readers with an idea of what they could see.

Put your monthly membership on the market. You may offer something like, “Subscribe for your first month free.” To establish a subscription price or discount, go to “Settings” and choose “Subscription pricing and packages.”

When a new viewer joins, give them a personalized welcome message informing them of the services you provide.

Consistent posting is critical: post every day, even if it’s only a status update. You want to get your readers into the habit of looking for your material. You may create a connection with your viewers by providing promos to particular individuals, encouraging them to unlock videos through messages, or offering to produce personalized movies.‍

Promote your account on Twitter: Twitter is one of the few social media networks that is unconcerned with what is posted there. You may also pay existing organizations to promote your material.‍

Wrap Up

I hope this article has helped you figure out how to money on your OnlyFans account. This is a very good way to make a lot of money online by giving your fans access to exclusive content.

Because the social site allows any kind of content, it is very popular with people who make content for the adult industry. But it is also home to a lot of successful creators from a wide range of other genres who don’t make adult content.

Just remember to stay calm. Treat your OnlyFans account like you would any other online business: not as a way to get rich quickly, but as a way to build a strong following and make money from your content in a variety of ways.

Even people who aren’t in the adult industry can make money on this platform with the right marketing and monetization techniques.

You can check out OnlyFan’s Official site page for making money on OnlyFans.

Further, Read on If you are interested to know AI logo generators then I also compiled them.

Want to explore some resume templates for your resume? It will definitely help you.

Making money on YouTube is also a good option if you are a YouTuber.

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