QuillBot Review: Is It the Best AI Paraphrasing Tool in 2023?

QuillBot Review

Using a paraphraser tool is very crucial if you are generating content. In this QuillBot review, I’ll examine what this tool is capable of and see if it lives up to the hype.

We will also dive into what QuillBot is, how it works, and what it can do.

We explain how much QuillBot costs and other options you should be aware of.

Do you know what the Turing Test is?

It assesses a machine’s capacity to demonstrate intelligent behavior that is indistinguishable from human conduct.

If the user cannot tell whether they are communicating with a machine or a human, the robot has effectively passed the test.

Robots are taking over numerous tasks that people used to do thanks to artificial intelligence.

They are more precise, quicker, and more efficient.

As a result, it’s no wonder that AI is being utilized to produce content across several sectors.

QuillBot promises to be the greatest artificial intelligence paraphrasing tool on the market.

But is this the reality?

I’ll go over its features, and pricing plans, and give you my final verdict.

What Is QuillBot?

QuillBot is a paraphrase application that rewrites your articles using artificial intelligence.

It is an AI-powered writing tool with several key features. Its primary function is as a paraphrasing.

Although it is one of the newest kids on the block, it has swiftly gained popularity among authors and content creators.

However, it isn’t a one-trick pony.

It also has a robust set of capabilities, making it a well-rounded writing tool.

QuillBot Features

QuillBot Paraphrasing Tool

You may either input into QuillBot directly or paste in an existing portion of the text. It then uses artificial intelligence to rephrase your work. By default, QuillBot will paraphrase your work in a basic manner, utilizing alternative words without regard for style or intent. However, based on your preferences and the aim of your writing, you may also indicate that QuillBot should make your writing simpler or more professional.

QuillBot is an online tool that can be used using your standard web browser. You may easily incorporate QuillBot into Word, Google Docs, or as a Chrome plugin. This allows you to use its features in whichever tool you normally work in.

QuillBot Plagiarism Checker

Although plagiarism detectors are most useful in academic writing, they are not their sole application. You might wish to double-check that your own work hasn’t been influenced by content you’ve seen elsewhere. Alternatively, you may have outsourced some written content, such as a blog post for your author’s website. In such circumstances, it’s a good idea to double-check that the stuff you’re paying for is indeed unique.

QuillBot Grammar Checker

Incorrect language, spelling, or punctuation is one of the quickest ways to distract a reader from your writing’s meaning. QuillBot provides a free grammar and punctuation checker.

While there’s no denying that this tool is beneficial, most writers are likely already using a grammar checker app like Grammarly or ProWritingAid. It’s difficult to picture many people hearing about QuillBot without first having a grammar check solution in place.

QuillBot Summarizer 

QuillBot’s summarizer tool is one of its most intriguing capabilities. Every writer understands that the quality of their research has a significant influence on the final product. This is true for both fiction and nonfiction writers.

Nonfiction authors, for example, must be actual experts in their field. It is critical to read widely in order to have a firm hold on the subject at hand and comprehend it well enough to put some type of unique twist or perspective on the body of knowledge that is already available.

Similarly, the degree of detail in fiction works may make or break them. It’s critical to learn about a topic or region you’re writing about if you’re not familiar with it.

Similarly, the degree of detail in fiction works may make or break them. If you’re writing about a topic or region you’re unfamiliar with, it’s critical to become as acquainted with it as possible in order to provide your reader with an immersing degree of information.

QuillBot may utilize artificial intelligence to filter through piles of reading material and summarise essential points and discoveries. This is similar to having a virtual research assistant to aid you with your task.

Freeze Words

While stating things differently is important in some contexts, you may want to avoid changing the precise wording.

This is especially crucial when discussing brand or product names.

QuillBot’s infinite freeze words capability allows you to prevent any words from being modified while paraphrasing.

Tone Insights

QuillBot may help you improve your writing style in addition to being a writing tool.

It accomplishes this by providing you with insights regarding the tone of your work.

QuillBot may help you become a more rounded writer by understanding your writing style, determining the degree of positivity or negativity in your material, and more.

QuillBot Co-Writer

If you thought the features listed above were impressive on their own, the QuillBot writing assistant includes a creative mode that combines all of them into one powerful tool.

In the Co-Writer module, the QuillBot AI includes an article rewriter tool, expand mode, shorten mode, fluency mode, and other features.

The Co-Writer bundles all of the best writing tools into one convenient package.

Integrations and Extensions

QuillBot also offers several methods to improve your productivity while utilizing third-party add-ins.

Having its own Google Chrome extension ensures that you can use QuillBot regardless of the page you are on.

Then, with integrations for Microsoft Word and Google Docs, you can use QuillBot directly within those applications.

Using these integrations ensures that you never go without the QuillBot writing assistant when it counts.

Who created QuillBot?

QuillBot has a huge staff in comparison to many other author software products on the market.

This truth is neither good nor harmful on its own. On the one hand, a larger team implies a more meticulous final result. A larger staff, on the other hand, needs more money in order to compensate everyone.

Despite its size, one aspect of the QuillBot team that is reassuring is the type of people hired by the organization. Some of the people working on QuillBot are research scientists and linguists, indicating that it is a tool that will benefit from expert input.

Who Is QuillBot For?

QuillBot is an intriguing tool that employs AI in an innovative way, we do not believe it is ideal for the needs of self-published authors.

Consider your own writing process and how frequently you require AI to assist you when writing. QuillBot can benefit a variety of users.

Here are a few of the most important.

Bloggers and SEO Professionals

People who work in SEO or write about a variety of topics are regularly required to provide new content and keyword suggestions.

A tool that understands how NLP (Natural Language Processing) works might be really useful.

Additionally, because SEO is all about understanding how people search for things, QuillBot can help you by suggesting alternative ways to say something or new ideas based on the information you provide.

Social Media Managers

A social media manager’s job is to create, curate, and post content that is interesting and engaging to their target audience.

QuillBot may assist by producing easy-to-read and entertaining material, ensuring that the social media manager’s audience is entertained.

At the same time, if the social media manager uses QuillBot to create original content, they can be confident that it is original and not a rehash of someone else’s work.

Web-Based Content Creators

Many people develop web material, such as articles, movies, and other media.

QuillBot may assist content creators by offering alternative ways to phrase things or by providing fresh ideas for their work.

Suggestions can range from writing better headlines to improving video descriptions.

QuillBot can help web-based content creators create content faster and more efficiently, which are two of its main advantages.

QuillBot Review – Pros and cons


  • AI used creatively
  • Before investing, you can try the tool for free
  • A summarizer is a handy research tool


  • Writers are likely to already have a grammar checker.
  • The capacity to paraphrase has limited use.
  • Expensive and no one-time fee option

QuillBot Pricing – How much does QuillBot cost?

If you like the idea of what QuillBot has to offer and believe it will help you with your writing, it’s accessible in both free and premium versions. Here are the distinctions, as well as the price of QuillBot’s paid version.

A free account will get you started with the fundamentals, but features, word limit, and usefulness will be restricted. QuillBot allows you to paraphrase up to 125 words and has a limited number of paraphrasing styles. You have the option of summarising up to 1200 words of study.

From character limits when creating material to blocking specific features, some users may require more than what the free plan provides.

QuillBot’s premium membership provides limitless access with no restrictions.

QuillBot’s premium version allows you to paraphrase text of any length. The summarizer tool has a word limit of 6000. You also have access to the plagiarism detector and numerous paraphrasing techniques. There’s also a 30-day money-back guarantee if you don’t like it during the first three days.

The cost of the QuillBot premium version is determined by the length of time you choose:

  • QuillBot membership for $19.95 per month
  • Every 6 months, a QuillBot membership costs $79.95
  • QuillBot subscriptions are $99.95 per year

QuillBot Alternatives

So, what else is there that functions comparable to Quillbot?

In terms of Quillbot’s paraphrasing skills, we nearly always recommend manual paraphrasing. As a writer, it’s critical to maintain your voice and distinct style. Is it still your writing if you let AI do the work for you?

We also strongly advise utilizing a product such as Grammarly or ProWritingAid. It might assist you in rewriting your work in a more professional or plain style. Quillbot’s free versions are arguably superior.

QuillBot Review – FAQs

Can you trust on QuillBot?

QuillBot is a reputable company business since 2017, with a team of several dozen employees. It has a 3.9/5 rating on TrustPilot and a 4.7/5 star rating on Capterra suggesting it’s a trustworthy company.

How accurate is QuillBot?

QuilBot detected and rectified more problems than a typical grammar checker. The plagiarism scanner instantly discovered instances of published text online. And the results of its content rewriter didn’t require much copyediting.

Is it worth paying for QuillBot?

QuillBot’s premium plan is well worth the money, and the free plan offers you access to many features, making QuillBot one of the most spectacular writing tools on the market. It is, certainly, the greatest writing assistance, with useful extras like the summarizer tool.

Is QuillBot better than Grammarly?

Is QuillBot superior to Grammarly?
QuillBot is the less expensive of the two (especially when compared to Grammarly Premium), but it offers less functionality. QuillBot is a good option if you repurpose content, are an academic, or require a low-cost writing assistant. It’s also a good option for paraphrasing longer texts. Grammarly Premium is pricier.

Is it okay to use QuillBot?

text, including resumes. It can suggest rephrasing and grammar corrections, as well as provide synonyms for words, which can be helpful in making your resume more clear, concise, and impactful.
However, it’s important to keep in mind that QuillBot is a machine learning model, and like any AI model it can make mistakes, so it’s important to review the suggestions and corrections made by QuillBot carefully before applying them to your resume.

Is QuillBot free?

QuillBot is a free text editor that can help you with writing and editing text, including resumes. It can suggest rephrasing and grammar corrections, as well as provide synonyms for words. However, QuillBot also offers a paid version called QuillBot Premium, which provides access to additional features such as an advanced grammar checker and more extensive vocabulary suggestions. It’s important to keep in mind that even if you use the free version, QuillBot is a machine learning model, and like any AI model it can make mistakes, so it’s important to review the suggestions and corrections made by QuillBot carefully before applying them to your resume.

QuillBot Review – Rating

QuillBot receives 3.8 stars overall.

We think the free version of the tool is fascinating and makes good use of AI.

However, we believe the commercial version does not provide the best value for money, and authors would be better served by alternatives such as Grammarly or ProWritingAid.

Do you have any prior experience with Quillbot? How do you think it compares to the other alternatives available? Please leave your opinions in the comments section!

QuillBot Review – Wrap Up

Here is the “QuillBot Review“, now you should decide whether it it made for you or not.

QuillBot is worth a look if you’re a student, a professional, or just someone who wants to improve their writing.

The AI paraphrasing tool can assist you in a variety of ways, including the development of new ideas and the improvement of sentence structure.

There’s also nothing to lose by starting with the free version, pausing your account as needed, and having a money-back guarantee.

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