Sublime Text Editor Review: Is It The Best Text Editor? (2023)

sublime text editor review

Sublime Text Editor is a supercharged and immensely versatile code editor that can take your coding process to the next level.

Sublime Text Editor is one of the most beloved text editors available, with millions of people from across the globe using it to easily design amazing web pages and applications.

It has a user-friendly interface, allowing both experienced coders and beginners alike to customize their experience according to their specific needs – making Sublime Text Editor an ideal choice for anyone looking for a powerful yet easy-to-use text editor.

Ready to discover the amazing features Sublime Text Editor has in store for developers?

From basic elements such as syntax highlighting and autocompletion, all the way up to more advanced capabilities like macro recording and multi-cursor editing, this comprehensive code-writing software is a must-have tool!

So let’s dive into Sublime Text Editor now and uncover its many wonders.

What is Sublime Text Editor?

Sublime Text Editor, created by Jon Skinner and Will Bond of Sublime HQ in 2008, is a feature-rich text editor with cross-platform capabilities.

From syntax highlighting to autocompletion to macro recording and beyond–this application comes equipped with an array of basic features that make it a must-have for any coder.

But its usefulness doesn’t stop there; the many customization options within this efficient software allow you to tailor it precisely according to your specific needs or workflow!

With its incredible speed and power, Sublime Text Editor stands out among the competition.

Thanks to advanced incremental diffing algorithms that make fast changes a breeze, editing your code is faster than ever before.

Plus, you can customize your user interface and key bindings so that all of the tools you need are right at hand – making everything about this editor truly sublime!

To conclude, Sublime Text Editor allows developers to unlock its even more profound potential with an extensive library of plugins and themes.

Who Created Sublime Text Editor?

Sublime Text Editor is a software program used by many people to type and edit text.

It was created in 2008 by Jon Skinner and Will Bond, who work together at Sublime HQ.

Jon has a lot of experience in software engineering, and Will is an experienced product designer.

They made Sublime Text Editor together, and it is now one of the most popular text editors available.

Sublime Text Editor Features

Here are some of the key features of Sublime Text Editor:

Syntax Highlighting

Sublime Text Editor can make your code look pretty with colors. It supports over 80 different programming languages. This means that it can be used to create source code that is easy on the eyes by providing color-coded keywords, strings, comments, and other elements.


Sublime Text Editor’s auto-completion feature speeds up the coding process by suggesting words or phrases as you type that match what you’ve already written. This makes it easy to quickly complete a line of code with minimal effort.

Multiple Selections

With multiple selections, you can change several lines of code at the same time. This is helpful for tasks that you have to do more than once, like renaming variables or making global updates to your project without having to edit each line of code one at a time.

Command Palettes

The command palettes feature makes it easy for you to find and use any command in the application. You don’t need to remember its exact name or where it is. This also makes it easier for experienced users to explore all the features of Sublime Text Editor.


Macros are a developer’s best friend! With just a few keystrokes and mouse clicks, developers can quickly automate tedious tasks. This eliminates the need to manually type out lines of code every time they’re needed, saving precious time that could be spent on other parts of their project.

Multi-Cursor Editing

Multi-cursor editing is a powerful tool that allows developers to make changes in multiple places at once — great for refactoring large sections of code or making global changes to a project.

Pros and Cons of Sublime Text Editor

Here are some of the pros and cons of Sublime Text Editor:


  • The text editor is powerful and fast.
  • You can customize it a lot.
  • It has features like syntax highlighting, auto-completion, command palettes, macros, and multi-cursor editing.
  • It also has integrated debugging support. But it doesn’t have as many features as some other text editors. And it can be hard to learn for new developers.


  • No Cons

Pricing of Sublime Text Editor

Sublime Text Editor is available for an annual subscription.

The cost per seat per year is $65 for the first 10 seats, $60 for seats 11-25, $55 for seats 26-50, and then $50 for every additional seat after that.

There is also a one-time purchase option available for a flat fee of $99. Sublime Text Editor offers discounts to students, educators, and non-profit organizations.

For more information on pricing, please visit the Sublime Text Editor website. The subscription can be purchased from the official website or any authorized reseller.

If you are not happy with your subscription plan, you can get your money back within 30 days.

Alternatives of Sublime Text Editor

The following are some alternatives to Sublime Text Editor:

  1. Atom: Atom is a free text editor created by GitHub. It has a lot of plugins, themes, and integrations that can be used to change how it looks and works.
  2. Visual Studio Code: Microsoft offers a free text editor called Visual Studio Code, or VSCode, that works on Windows, macOS, and Linux. This program is helpful for developers because it supports debugging web applications and has other built-in tools.
  3. Vim: Vim is a text editor that can be customized a lot. It is difficult to learn at first, but has lots of powerful features. Vim works on most Unix systems, MacOS, and Windows.
  4. Notepad++:Notepad++ is a free text editor for Windows that people often use. It has a tabbed interface, which means there are multiple tabs that you can have open at the same time. There are also many customization options, which means you can change how it looks and feels to better suit your needs.
  5. Emacs: Emacs is a text editor that can be extended with lots of features, like different colors for different parts of the text, and automatically filling in code. It works on lots of operating systems, like Windows and MacOS.

FAQs of Sublime Text Editor

Is Sublime Text worth paying for?

Yes, the Sublime Text Editor is a good investment because it has powerful features, allows for great customization, and has reliable debugging support.

Is Sublime Text a one-time purchase?

No, you cannot buy Sublime Text Editor outright. You can either pay for it every year or just once.

Why does sublime text cost money?

The subscription fee pays for the costs of developing and maintaining the software.

Rating for Sublime Text Editor

I give Sublime Text Editor an 8 out of 10 rating.

It is a great text editor with lots of features, options to customize it, and good support for fixing mistakes.

It is also a good deal because it is not too expensive and it comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Wrap Up

Sublime Text Editor is a good text editor for people who have been developing for a while and want access to more features.

It is also fast and easy to use.

The subscription-based pricing model might be seen as expensive, but there is also a one-time purchase option which makes it more affordable.

Overall, it is a great choice for developers who want a powerful and reliable text editor.

Thanks for reading this Sublime Text Editor review!

I hope my explanation has helped you decide which text editor would be best to use for your project.

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