Trading Income Report for Sep 2023: How I Earned 1513 Rs. This Month

Hi guys, I did not post last month’s income because my trade did not complete in that month.

I want to share everything I will learn in this process to become a successful trader, from small amounts to large amounts.

I know this profit is not too big, but I think the initial time is not for money; your learnings will determine your success.

In this post, I will share with you my learnings, mistakes, and experiences.

I took two trades in August 2023, and they did not hit target and stop the loss.

Just remember this,

  • System to take trades
  • Risk Management
  • Journal
  • Mindset (Psychology)

Let’s dive into my trading income report.

Trading Income in Aug 2023

Positional trades

Last month, I took two trades.

  1. Tata Consumer Products
  2. Indusind Bank

Check my trading journal.

Sr NoStart DateEnd DateStock NameLong/ShortEntry PriceExit PriceTrailing S.L.PyramidingPosition/Qt.Profit/LossCapital
107/08/2023Indusind BankLong1416.85NANA1926904
202/08/2023Tata Consumer ProductsLong850.50895NANA33151328066

I got about 3% in these two months.

Expences in Aug and Sep 2023

  • Regulatory Charges:
    • Sebi Turnover Charges: 0.13 Rs.
    • Exchange Transaction Charges: 5.64 Rs.
    • Stamp Duty: 12 Rs.
    • STT: 102 Rs.
  • Other Charges:
    • GST: 12.12 Rs.
    • Brokerage: 48.63 Rs.

Total 180.52 Rs.

Net Profit

1513 – 180.52 = 1332 Rs.

Strategy Used

I used 44 MA strategies learned from Siddharth Bhanushali.

My Learnings

  • Positional trading is not simple I think, it need lots of patients.
  • Doing same task (like putting stop loss) is not easy.
  • Every month will not giving same results.

Wrap Up

I know that this is not a big profit. But still, I am in profit.

Always remember.

Trading is not gambling; it is a business.

Don’t take this as an example.

I am only sharing this for learning purposes.

Learn from my mistakes and grow fast.

I hope you love this. If you have any queries, you can leave a comment.

Thanks for reading.

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